The allure of several top-rated schools in west Edmonton is one of many reasons it’s easy to feel at home in Edgemont. As young families build their lives here, the excitement is growing for the new public K-9 School slated to open in 2027. Nestled north of Edgemont’s Natural Playground, this school will provide opportunities for families to stay connected to nature and each other.
When the Government of Alberta's 2023 budget was announced earlier this year, Edgemont stood proudly among the 13 sites chosen to receive a green light for a full build. The Edgemont Community League alongside Brookfield Residential, worked hard to bring this project to life.
Today, a stroll by the site unveils an exciting scene. The wheels are set in motion as Brookfield Residential begins laying the groundwork. Soon the site will be buzzing with activity as construction is set to commence in the second half of 2025.